A homeless shelter says Kanye West hasn’t followed up with his promises.
In November, Kanye reportedly met with L.A. Mission CEO Troy Vaughn to discuss ways he could provide aid for unhoused individuals. During that time, Kanye announced his plan to combat the increasing homeless population. Days later, he teamed up with the organization to deliver 1,000 Thanksgiving meals to Skid Row.
“We thank Kanye West for showing his heart and generosity today and bringing over 1,000 meals with him in tow,” The CEO said in a tweet at the time. “Our heart is with Kanye as he continues to show his heart for less fortunate people.”
On Friday, Kanye expressed his concern for the growing social issue on his Instagram account. “Look to the children, look to the homeless as the biggest inspiration for all design,” Kanye wrote.
However, the organization is now saying Kanye hasn’t maintained the promises he’s made. A source close to the nonprofit claims that not much has changed since they met with Kanye last year. Mission even says they’ve tried to contact Kanye on several occasions since the meeting but haven’t been successful.
Despite the lack of initiative, the organization says they still want to collaborate with Kanye in the future.
“We have absolutely had collaborative discussions with Ye about improving the lives of the unhoused on Skid Row, especially through design, as he mentioned in his tweet,” Vaughn said. “We are extremely optimistic that Ye will be an instrumental force in helping us launch The Skid Row Revitalization Project in the coming months.”
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