This has become a common occurrence amongst “Ballers”. They flash their money, ride around in the most expensive cars, knock a girl up but when it’s time to financially support the child, now they’re broke and no longer balling. Taking a page from his counterparts book, Bow Wow has been ordered to pay child support, yet tells the courts he’s only making $4,000 a month from Cash Money Records. Get this, he also failed to disclose the fact that he just got a new job with BET’s 106 & Park. Drama is not the best way to celebrate a new gig, Shad.
Via Crunk & Disorderly
Real name, Shad Moss, volunteered to pay $3,000 a month in child support after telling the judge that he only has $1,500 in his bank account. You would think after all the copies of ‘Like Mike’ that sold he would have a little bit more. But who am I to judge with Sallie Mae hitting me up in the wee hours of the morning?
But there is more tea so be dropped. Bow Wow told the judge that he only receives an monthly allowance of $4,000 a month from Cash Money Records and that his Jeep is leased. Beep, beep. Who got the keys to the jeep? The dealership.
Are you having trouble adding all this up? Get this, after court he made his grand entrance on 106 & Park as one of the new co-host. Good thing because the judge also ordered him to pay $11,500 in back child support.
Do better Byroooooooooooooooon.
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