Lebron James has had his hand in various parts of television. He’s created an animated series, created a 3D documentary and his company brought us none other than Starz original series, “Survivor’s Remorse.” James will now add reality television to his list of entertainment offerings.
Set to premiere this summer on CNBC, Lebron James and his close friend/business partner, Maverick Carter, are executive producing a show that gives four aspiring entrepreneurs in Cleveland the opportunity to realize their own dreams while revitalizing a neighborhood in their city. Both Lebron and Maverick will appear in the show to offer assistance and will enlist the aid four business experts and associates who will in turn invest in and mentor fledgling entrepreneurs who need a little jumpstart. In success, these four businesses will provide jobs and services for neighborhoods that desperately need investment.
The show will be called “Cleveland Hustles” and the goal is for the four aspiring businesses to create local jobs.
“‘Cleveland Hustles,’ speaks to the network’s entrepreneurial spirt and also creates an opportunity to help strengthen communities that have fallen on hard times,” said Jim Ackerman, EVP, Primetime Alternative, CNBC.