Let’s Talk About The Deadbeat Mom

They do exist. Let’s give fathers a break for a second and direct the deadbeat mother. Some of these women have custody of their children, that’s the worst part in the entire situation. There are many times where the court will favor the mother yet don’t realize the child would be better off being raised by a pack of wolves. Let’s discuss the unfit parent shall we?


In recent events people would use Draya Michele as an example. I wouldn’t exactly call her a deadbeat mom. She loves her child, I’m sure she does. I’d say she was more along the lines of unfit. She’s not mentally ready to be the mother of any little person. Why? Well, if you can brag on how expensive your shoes are but can’t afford proper child care so that you can work & play, there is a problem. If you don’t truly see anything wrong with leaving a child alone for several days to fend for himself, there is a problem. If you are 26 years old but have the mental capacity of a 17 year old to the point where people treat you as if you’re 17, there is a problem. If men are ever a priority over your child, that is a problem. If Draya wasn’t Draya, and wasn’t getting “picked on” during basketball wives, she wouldn’t get a pass. If she were a man who left his son in the house for days to go creeping with some chicks and sell dope, the world would look at him like a monster. Same thing applies, these actions make you unfit to be a parent.


Let’s go back to women who put men above their children. These women are unfit. I’d even go as far as calling them deadbeats. If you have to put anything over your child, you don’t deserve a child. The problem with these types of women is that they don’t see what they’re doing as wrong. They love their children but they don’t see the reality that they are indeed putting men over them. Case in point, we posted on Kate Gossellin a few weeks ago. She was filmed getting extremely and unnecessarily angry at her young children because her boyfriend reserved a slice of pizza and they almost ate it. She got even more angry when one of the children touched the pizza with their hands to give it to him. This is something I’ll never understand. You birthed this children out of your vagina and now you’re acting like their hands are disgusting, all because your “boo” wants a slice of pizza? He’s grown, he can buy a whole box of pizza. I’m a firm believer that if any man wants to date me, he’s got to know that my child comes first and if my child is hungry, he eats first.


Then you have ratchet women who weren’t sh-t to begin with. I’ve seen women who were pregnant who smoke weed, cigarettes, drank, did everything a person who cared about their child should never do. Then when the baby came out with developmental issues, they acted surprised. These are the women who should go to jail for child endangerment. A child is trusting you with their life, at no choice of their own and you can’t put down the ciggs for 9 months? You mean you HAVE to smoke weed? You HAVE to drink? These things can’t wait until the baby doesn’t need you as a source of food and shelter? These women are dead beats.


So ladies, before you bash the men who walk away from their children, remember their are women who stick around their children who are doing their children a disservice. There are more women who defend them and even more women who condone or make excuses for it. 

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About Eleven8

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