All relationships have their ups and downs. Often times when couples are going through hard times, breaks are taken.
The question for many is “What is a break?” A break is when a couple gives each other space to get their thoughts together on their relationship. Rather than actually breaking up, couples often think a break will give them a clear mind.
Now, different things work for different people. While some prefer breaks, others rather stay in the relationship and work things out. Breaks aren’t new in relationships, but we go through these breaks and don’t realize it.
As women, we will “break up” with a man knowing damn well we have every intention on taking him back as soon as he apologizes. This would be considered a break, especially since it was temporary. A breakup is more permanent because you have no intentions of getting back with him regardless of how much he pleads with you.
Please understand that these temporary breaks have a downside to it. Although you are using this time to think things through doesn’t mean the other party is doing the same. It’s possible for him to sleep or get close to someone else. If this occurs and you two decide to get to back together, you honestly cannot get mad. These were decisions that you made thinking it would help your situation.
Think things through before making such drastic decisions. Breaks can lead to heartache and possibly head in a direction you don’t want it to go.
Are breaks necessary or should you work through these problems within the relationship?