Following the heartbreaking death of longtime host Alex Trebek, the nation seems to be gathering behind LeVar Burton to take the reins of “Jeopardy!” amidst demands on social media and a petition of over 200,000 signatures.
The actor, who is best known for his roles as Kunta Kinte in the ABC miniseries “Roots,” Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and as the host of “Reading Rainbow” for more than two decades, says he’s “really, really, really serious” about taking over as permanent host of the famous quiz show.
On a Friday episode of USA TODAY’s The Mothership podcast, the 64-year-old said, “This is something that I really think is a good idea.” He said, “I think it’s a good fit of what the show is, what the show requires, and what I feel like I bring to the table.” He added, “I feel as strongly about my rightness for this as I did about Kunta and Geordi. And I’m that invested in getting the job.”
Burton also said that he wishes to do “justice to the legacy of Alex.”
Would you be here for LeVar Burton becoming the new host of Jeopardy!?