I guess Wayne isn’t stunting like his daddy anymore because he has taken to his Twitter account to air out all of Cash Money’s business. According to the YMCMB front man, Birdman is delaying the release of his Carter V album and he’s had enough of it.
Lil Wayne tweets:
“To all my fans, I want u to know that my album won’t and hasn’t been released bekuz Baby & Cash Money Rec. refuse to release it. This is not my fault. I am truly and deeply sorry to all my fans but most of all to myself and my family for putting us in this situation. I want off this label and nothing to do with these people but unfortunately it ain’t that easy. I am a prisoner and so is my creativity Again,I am truly sorry and I don’t blame ya if ya fed up with waiting 4 me & this album. But thk u.”
Dang, where can Lil Wayne go and not have a Cash Money affiliation? He’s literally been there since he was 13. Wayne recently joined the Zulu Nation so maybe it is time he’s made some career changes. There’s always the theory that he was hacked but if this is true, this news, along with the continuing lawsuit from Jas Prince solidifies that Cash Money Records isn’t having the best year ever.