Men always say that they could give us the world and we would ask for the moon as well.
I’m here to confirm that! So what. Yes, we want everything! So do they. I always say that men have two types, the type they like and the exact opposite. Don’t debate that.
With that being said, for everything we actually get checked off on our “list,” there’s some sort of compromise or plea bargain deal that comes along with it. Why does everything have to be sold separately? Why can’t everything come in one box? Having all the accessories we want in a man is like the limited edition game console bundle that comes out during holiday season. You see what happens during that time, everyone is fighting over one and more people leave without one than with one. Sucks.
Are there guys that have it all? I don’t know. I never ran into one of those. Here’s what I have noticed though.
Penis/Sex- Penis and sex do not go hand in hand. I can testify that a guy can have a good size penis and not know how to have sex. On the contrary, a guy with a smaller penis could have great sex. A guy with a smaller penis usually knows how to use his other resources like his mouth and hands. Let’s just clump them together for this point though. Guys with “good dick” as it’s so often referred to are usually BROKE! Broke men have the best dick, unfortunately. Don’t debate that either. They also have a bunch of women and probably a bunch of kids too. Who knows, maybe even some STDs?
Money- Tied with penis, is money. WHO DOESN’T want a man with money? If you said, “Me” you’re lying anyway. What is usually wrong with the men with money? The question really is, “WHAT ISN’T wrong with him?” Men with money are usually short, fat, ugly, too busy, old, married or HAVE A LITTLE DICK! So now, we have to pick a poison. How unfair.
Good Looks- Good looking men are an automatic sacrifice. As soon as I see a good looking man I already know he is either broke, stupid, homeless, has too many women, maybe a couple kids, takes more selfies than me and/or could never make me orgasm.
Stylish- Who doesn’t love a man than can dress himself? I’ve had to dress one too many men in the past. You ever had a guy that had a lot of plusses but you were so embarrassed by the way he dressed? I’ve had this conversation so many times with women. I always get asked, “How do you change a man’s wardrobe?” It’s one of the hardest things to accomplish. With that being said, running into a man who can dress really well usually screams, CRIMINAL or GAY to me!
Body- Men with great bodies are usually unemployed, a criminal pretending to be a personal trainer, dress horribly, no car, homeless, no job, horrible job, or social media thirst trapper.
Safety- Women love a guy who can protect them. In turn, they’re usually so CRAZY.
Intelligence- Oh how we love a smart man! Take your pick, boring or arrogant/cocky?
Honest- The truth is, the truth hurts. Have you ever had a man tell you the truth and it stung? Have you ever had a man tell you that you’re not his girlfriend, he’s having sex with other women simultaneously, he wants you to leave now, you gained too much weight or he doesn’t like your new hairstyle? The burn!
Good career/job- So let’s say he has great sex, good looks, body, stylish, no children, intelligent, honest, a gentleman, a good career and SAYS he WANTS to be with YOU… but he is too busy. You find this GREAT catch and don’t get to spend enough time with him. He has to cancel plans, comes in late and is consumed with work when you are together. What now?
…But yet, we get called ungrateful.