It isn’t uncommon for Americans to rack up student loan debt while trying to make it through college. It also isn’t uncommon for graduates to not be able to pay back their debt because, even after their degree, they weren’t able to land a good-paying job (if any at all). Well now, those who do fall in the aforementioned category may be in trouble.
A local news station has reported that a total of 1200 to 1500 arrest warrants are soon going to be served to residents of Houston, Texas for student loan debt.
Houston resident, Paul Aker, recently detailed his experience to FOX26. Aker says U.S. Marshals surrounded his home in response to $1500 student loan debt from 1987. He went on to say that he was arrested and taken to court with no legal representation and without having his rights read to him. Aker also says that instead of being a government representative, the prosecuting attorney was from a private debt collector.
Sources: FOX26, Complex
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