A mother is upset at her daughter’s school because they put her teen in isolation over her fake eyelashes.
We’ve all had our parents called up to the school one or two times. In this incident, parent Angela Jackson calls out her daughter’s school for placing the 14-year-old in isolation for breaking their dress code by wearing false eyelashes. According to Chelsea – Jackson’s daughter – school staff allegedly stood over her until she took the lashes off last Wednesday.
After the alleged confrontation, Jackson says the school phoned her and explained that her daughter was placed in isolation. The gag is: the mother told the daughter it was okay to wear the lashes. However, every day that teen comes to school with the lashes on, the school pulls her from class, according to Daily Mail.
Despite the teen being away from her studies as she stays in isolation, the mother says she is standing firm on her decision. “I will not back down on this and she will keep going in to school wearing the eyelashes. It means that she will be in the isolation unit,” said Jackson.
She continued: “I will not back down on this and she will keep going in to school wearing the eyelashes. It means that she will be in the isolation unit. She has never been in there before for anything and has never had a detention. I don’t see how wearing false eyelashes impacts on her school work. I took photographs of her wearing one set of false lashes like she does for school and another of her wearing two. I accept that wearing two sets would be inappropriate but I can’t see that the one set can cause any problems.”
In response, the school has said it will be working with the mother and the teen.
“The school is aware that the mother does not support us right now, but we have spent time working with her and her daughter to de-escalate the situation,” said Royal Wootton Bassett Academy in a statement. “The school adopts an empathetic inclusive approach to individual student needs as is the case in this instance. Our Behaviour for Learning school system was in place pre-Covid and we have not changed any of the high expectations we have of our students.”
“We provide stability and consistency for our students and families in a time of Covid instability.”