Legendary boxer Muhammad Ali was a vocal activist against racism during his reign, but according to his biological son Muhammad Ali, Jr., 47, his father would not have supported the Black Lives Matter movement.
Ali, Jr. told the New York Post his father would have considered the movement “racist” and its protesters “devils,” and apparently, the violence and looting would have sickened his father.
“Don’t bust up s–t, don’t trash the place,” he told The New York Post. “You can peacefully protest.”
“My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.”
Ali, Jr., who is a Muslim like his father, shares the same sentiments as to what he believes his father would have and feels the BLM movement is “racist.” Unfortunately, he is not very “woke” in terms of police brutality either.
“Police don’t wake up and think, ‘I’m going to kill a n—-r today or kill a white man,’” he said. “They’re just trying to make it back home to their family in one piece.”
When discussing George Floyd, he admits the former officer Derek Chauvin used the wrong tactic but then says, “people don’t realize there was more footage than what they showed. The guy resisted arrest, the officer was doing his job…”
He also sides with Donald Trump by agreeing with the belief that ANTIFA provoked violence amid protests and would like to see the organization labeled as terrorists.
“They’re no different from Muslim terrorists. They should all get what they deserve. They’re f–king up businesses, beating up innocent people in the neighborhood, smashing up police stations and shops. They’re terrorists – they’re terrorizing the community. I agree with the peaceful protests, but the Antifa, they need to kill everyone in that thing. Black Lives Matter is not a peaceful protest. Antifa never wanted it peaceful. I would take them all out.”
Reports claim Ali Jr. and his father did not have a relationship in the last decade of The boxer’s life, which he blames on his stepmother Lonnie Williams. Therefore, it’s skeptical whether or not Ali, Jr.’s statements hold weight.
The father of two lives in Hallandale, Florida, and struggles to make ends meet. He works as a construction worker and only receives $1000 a month from his father’s estimated $60 million estate.
“Not all the police are bad, there’s just a few. There’s a handful of police that are crooked, they should be locked up,” he said. “I never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.” He also claims he’s never been singled out based off being an African American man and doesn’t believe institutional racism exists in the police system.
He strongly defends the system even after his father refused to be drafted into the Vietnam War due to being a Muslim and then after his own experiences of being held up by TSA due to Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim-majority nations. According to the post, he was let go both times.
“I think Trump’s a good president. My father would have supported him. Trump’s not a racist, he’s for all the people. Democrats are the ones who are racist and not for everybody. These [Democrat politicians] saying Black Lives Matter, who the hell are you to say that? You’re not even black.” Then goes as far as saying Trump is a better president than Clinton and Obama. Sheesh!
As for BLM, “It’s a racial statement,” he said. “It’s pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen; I hate that.”

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What a joke this guy!!!! Bruuuh!! He’s just so irrelevant that does what mofo do…. Try to be relevant! As far as I don’t hear this from Legend’s daughter… This guy is just another negro trying to make noise… Trump great president?!? GTFOH!!!
$1000/mo out of a $60 million estate? Yes, he was as personally close to his daddy as I was. Whatever!!!!