On August 16th, an Asian woman went into the New York restaurant Cornerstone Cafe where she ordered a steak breakfast to go. On her receipt read the racist name “Ching Chong.”
Astonished, the patron showed her daughter who then in turn shared it with Facebook friend Ziggy Chau.
Chau posted the receipt online causing it go viral. Within a small window of time, the restaurant was receiving calls and negative feedback on yelp.
Chau called the restaurant directly requesting an apology from the manager on duty at the time. Later that day, the manager issued an apology on the company’s Facebook page that has since been deleted. As a result, the employee was terminated.
Via Cornerstone’s page: “This situation leaves me no choice than to terminate this employee for this unjustified act. It definitely does not reflect the way the Cornerstone staff or I think because of one individuals stupidity.”