On Monday, Nicki Minaj celebrated the one-year anniversary of her “Queen Radio” show on Apple’s Beats1. The show was filled with surprises, special guests and more, including a screaming match with Hip-Hop’s own Joe Budden.
Although the two were unable to finish their conversation on Minaj’s show, as part of a pre-arranged deal, Minaj pulled up to Joe’s podcast right after to continue the heated debate.
In the first 30 minutes, Nicki Minaj live-streamed the discussion, in which she called out Joe for being a big baby, explained her reasoning and broke down her issue with Joe over the ‘Motorsport’ drama.
“It was a big deal to me because I was the one that was being lied on and that’s what you need to understand,” she said. “Of course, it’s not going to be a big deal to you because you in passing just said something about someone and it just was one of those things you said on your show. If I’m the subject of that lie, of course, it matters to me.”
As the two continued the ‘Motorsport’ discussion, which addressed whether or not Nicki Minaj knew Cardi B was on the track, Joe explained his thought processes in initially claiming Minaj was unaware.
“No, I 100% believe that you knew she was on this song and I thought I later furthered that point on the show that you referenced by saying, ‘I don’t think you knew that that verse was gonna sound like that,” Joe said, as he asked for a response. However, in turn, Minaj further explained her point – she knew Cardi would be on the song.
But, when Joe asked if Minaj changed up her verse after the final product, although she said she had no problem answering, she never answered.
“It wasn’t about the song,” Minaj said, as she addressed Joe’s lies about her, including their debate about the roll out of ‘Hot Girl Summer.’ “This is the second time I did a record where a female was on the record where you put something in the world that is basically saying, ‘Nicki is lying.’”
From there, the conversation transitioned to gatekeepers in hip-hop, and how Joe used his platform to push out a negative narrative about her. Though, Joe and Rory disagreed.
“Steering the narrative and creating an opinion to me is not a gatekeeper because people online are going to believe what they want to believe,” Rory said, adding, “as much as I’d like to believe my friend has that much influence, I don’t think that’s the case.”
“It takes on a life of its own,” Minaj said of media narratives. “And if I don’t defend myself, then he’s right. If I do defend myself then I’m the angry black woman. Black girl tragic, and it’s black bitches that do it the most and I don’t give a fuck if y’all mad at me using that hashtag.”
As the ‘Motorsport’ discussion continued, Joe explained that his information was obtained by valuable sources.
“Cardi is not getting her information from Akadmiks and myself,” Joe said, in an attempt to refute Minaj’s point that the two started the negative narrative about her. “She’s not taking nothing that we say, like she was involved.”
But Nicki didn’t care, saying, “I don’t give a fuck about what the fuck she thinks or who she got information from. I’m talking about you speaking to the public.”
Though the conversation went back and forth for a while, Nicki ended it with the fact that the attack felt personal from Joe and others in hip-hop, who she felt were close to her, including, DJ Envy.
At about the 30-minute mark, Joe Budden asked Nicki if she took any accountability for the alleged Hate Train that has formed over the years.
“No,” she said, as Rory partly agreed, saying, “No, I don’t think you started that but I think addressing it, adds to it.”
“And then when I don’t address it then what then people keep on believing lies about me? You sound crazy,” Nicki said, as Rory explained, “I’m saying it’s fair.”
“If you felt the heat, it would not be cool,” Nicki said, as she explained the problems with bullying and celebrity suicide. “Don’t you ever tell me what the fuck to do until you walk a fucking mile in my shoes, my nigga.”
“Have you been bullied for 12 years straight?” Nicki Minaj said, as Joe interjected, “Nicki Minaj you have not been bullied for 12 years straight.”
As the conversation simmered down, the group discussed Top 50 rappers, which also ignited a conversation about The Game and Rick Ross.
“Anybody who name drops a female to sell 250 albums, don’t ever bring them up to me again,” Nicki said, “So shout out to The Game, cause he does know how to rap.”
“I don’t think there’s a woman alive seeing me,” Nicki Minaj said.
As the episode continued, the group discussed Cash Money vs. Young Money, Queen Radio and other music news, including identifying hits.
“To me, a hit is a hit when everything is combined when radio, video streams are up. However, it goes to show that even when radio doesn’t promote your song, the people will still listen,” Nicki said.
Next, they discussed the rumors about The Breakfast Club and Joe’s relationship with Atlantic Records, which is Cardi B’s label.
“A lot of people just don’t have the balls to say it,” Nicki Minaj said. “I would feel so crazy if I had number ones and Grammys and ain’t on nobody’s Top 50 list.”
“Have not once seen anyone say, well does he have a Grammy,” Nicki Minaj said. “The Grammys have brainwashed us to thinking it’s based on talent.”
Before Nicki left, she made it clear that she and Joe were still cool.
“I been over it,” Nicki said, adding that “at some point, someone has to own up to [the Nicki Hate Train].”
Check out the full episode below: