New York City’s Board of Education asks schools to reconsider using honor rolls and class rankings to recognize students. Instead, the Board is asking schools to place more emphasis on individual “learning goals.”
The board wants schools to expand recognitions beyond academics. Some suggested examples of things students can be recognized for included contributions to the school, the community, and social justice and integrity demonstrations.
“Grades are not only a reflection of student performance but can be self-fulfilling prophecies,” the grading guidance says. “Influencing future student performance either directly through their psychological impact or indirectly through instructional decisions, placement in courses, and guidance in post-secondary options.”
When it comes to exam scores, the guidance advises educators to factor in overall performance. It also reiterated that “non-mastery” measures should not impact grades. Those include things like behavior, class participation, and attendance.
The DOE recognizes that disruptions due to the pandemic often impact students in ways out of the students’ control. These categories are usually tied to the student’s personal circumstances.
The Board is also advising that students and parents be included in how students learn. Teachers are advised to “invite students and families to offer meaningful input and engage in decision making about how students will learn and demonstrate proficiency on course goals and co-create learning goals with teachers.”
Educators are instructed to “minimize the effects of bias and eliminate practices that penalize students who have been marginalized based on their race, culture, language and/or ability.”
“We have the highest academic standards for our kids,” spokesperson Sarah Casasnovas said. “Our grading policy mirrors pre-pandemic expectations, and as always, student grades are first and foremost based on academic progress and performance.”
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