The NYPD cops responsible for the murder of #EricGarner “will immediately begin” an internal disciplinary trial.
On Thursday, an NYPD department spokesman said Officer Daniel Pantaleo and Sgt. Kizzy Adonis “will immediately begin an internal disciplinary process for the 2014 choking death of 43-year-old EricGarner. “The U.S. Department of Justice yesterday for the first time officially confirmed to the NYPD, to [Deputy Commissioner for Legal Matters] Larry Byrne, that there was no objection to moving forward,” the statement said. “The proceedings themselves will commence in the coming days.”
Pantalelo, the officer who placed Garner in a chokehold, is expected to be served in the next two weeks, according to his attorney. “They (NYPD) first have to serve my client with departmental charges and that hasn’t happened yet,” Stuart London told CNN.
Pantaleo’s case will be prosecuted by the Civilian Complaint Review Board, while Adonis’ will be led by the NYPD Department Advocate’s Office. Since Garner’s death, Pantaleo has been on desk duty. Adonis returned to full duty after being on modified status until last May.
The disciplinary actions taking place still are not enough for Garner’s mother, Gwen Carr, who says the investigation is inadequate. In a statement she wrote:
“It’s unacceptable that the NYPD is saying that only two officers will face discipline charges when many more were involved in murdering my son, trying to cover it up and other related misconduct. There were over 5 officers on video using force or failing to intervene as my son Eric pleaded, ‘I can’t breathe,’ 11 times,” she said. “Some officers tried to cover up the killing by lying on the official police reports to leave out the kind of force used against him and others illegally leaked alleged information,” she added.
“It’s past time for de Blasio and the NYPD to stop playing games with my son’s death and release the names of all the officers responsible for his murder, [or who] tried to cover it up and engaged in other related misconduct, and bring disciplinary charges to fire all of them.”