Ohio Representative Candice Keller claims the recent mass shooting in Dayton that left nine people dead happened because of society’s acceptance of gay marriage, marijuana, and violent video games.
Keller took to Facebook to express her belief that after every mass shooting, “the liberals start the blame game.” She also asked, “why not place the blame where it belongs?”
She attributed the killings to various problems that she said stemmed from the “breakdown of the traditional American family (thank you, transgender, homosexual marriage, and drag queen advocates).” Keller said video games, “fatherlessness” and “the acceptance of recreational marijuana” were other ills that contributed to the shootings.
She even went as far as to say forever President Barack Obama was to blame for the “disrespect to law enforcement,” expressed anger at “snowflakes, who can’t accept a duly-elected president,” and took aim at the “the relaxing of laws against criminals (open borders).”
Keller concluded her post, “Did I forget anybody? The list is long. And the fury will continue.”
In response, Butler County Democratic Party Chairman Brian Hester said in a statement to Dayton Daily News, saying, “She loves to fan the flames and play the role of victim here, not the nine people who were killed. She is fundamentally unfit for office. She is an embarrassment to her party, to conservatives, to Butler County, and to the state Legislature.”
Hester continued, “I think we should focus on the ease this killer had to the tools at his disposal for his murderous rampage more than what video games he played as a kid. It is disgraceful this is what passes for Republican rhetoric now.”
According to the Cincinnati Inquirer, Keller is running for the Ohio Senate in Butler County in 2020 against four other Republicans. No Democratic candidates have been announced.

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