You always keep a smile on your face. Your workplace style is impeccable. You’re articulate. You’re educated. You’re everything. Your boss loves you. People in other departments commend you. You always make fresh coffee. You bring donuts for everyone. You take on the tasks no one else will.
And then… This happens…
They find everything wrong with what you do. They don’t want to have lunch. They don’t want to help you on certain tasks. They don’t want to keep you updated. They don’t want to get to know you. They make sure your errors remain front and center.
This “THEY” is what we call JEALOUSY.
Jealousy happens everywhere. There are just some people that aren’t exactly happy with their position at your job and they will tear you down to feel their pain. They will make you feel as though you shouldn’t be employed in that position. They will make you feel stupid. They will make you hate coming to work, but most importantly, the Absolute One Thing You Need to Understand is:
Repeat that to yourself. THEIR JEALOUSY will block MY MONEY. It will not block their money. They will still receive their check while you remain stagnant because you are concerned about the hate against you. You may have missed opportunities to advance because you are so concerned with the jealousy and hate.
Their issue is not with you my friend. Their issue is with themselves. Their issue is with their own life. If you spend your energy fighting this jealous fight, you will lose. Not only will you lose, but the money you could have been making if you were focused on your financial goals will disappear. The ladder you could have been climbing will fall to the wayside because you neglected what really matters. We all go to work to get a check, but we need to understand that the minor things are blocking us from what we are destined to have.
Here are some things you can do to overcome Jealousy in your workplace:
- Focus on YOUR career goals
You should wake up every day with a clear goal in mind for your life. Don’t allow jealousy to be your crutch. Don’t blame your lack of advancement at work on other individuals. You can either deal with it or leave and find employment where there are adults whom actually act as adults. Just trust me when I tell you that Jealousy will follow you everywhere when you are working in greatness.
- Always remain calm and kind
You don’t want to be labeled as the angry black man or angry black woman at your job. Yeah, other races may joke about this title, but trust me when I tell you that you don’t want that reputation. A joke can follow you.
- Remain Humble (but always cover your a** (CYA))
Your job is not secure. Please understand that you need to remain humble in all situations. Your job could be taken away from you at any moment. Remain Humble and faithful. Cover your behind. Make sure you are meeting deadlines, coming to work on time, and not stealing time from the clock.
- Don’t fall into debt trying to keep up with the jealous ones
This happens. Don’t fall into debt buying new things to make others MORE jealous. Why? What are you doing? Take that money and invest.
- Know that The truth will always come to the light
The jealous antics you are dealing with won’t go un-noticed. There is always another individual (higher Up) who is watching, understands, and will discipline when needed. Focus on what is going RIGHT in your life despite the jealousy. I hate to say it, but Karma comes when least expected.
If harassment becomes too much to deal with alone, contact your human resources department. If human resources are not willing to look into the matter, contact external resources (EEOC, Lawyer, ETC.) to help you prepare for a suit. Always handle workplace disputes, harassment, or retaliation in a professional and legal matter.
It’s very easy to allow jealousy to clout your vision. Know that your future is destined for you and only you. They may be jealous but they will never know your story.
Success is Yours,
Tiffani Crenshaw
Connect with me:
Instagram: @tiffanicrenshaw and @pencilskirtmama
Twitter: @pencilskirtmama
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