Starting November 1, the Wingmate program at Philadelphia International Airport will enable individuals without flight tickets to access secure areas, allowing them to accompany travelers to their gates, wait for arrivals on domestic flights, and utilize airport services like shopping and dining.
To join the program, individuals can apply online up to seven days before their airport visit. The application requests basic security information such as name, gender, date of birth, email, and the purpose of their airport visit.
Approved guests will receive their passes at midnight on the day of their visit. Those applying for same-day access will receive an email with their application status within 15 minutes.
According to Heather Redfern, a Philadelphia International Airport spokesperson, The Wingmate program will be free but has a daily limit of 50 participants.
Those with Wingmate passes must undergo TSA clearance at gates D, E, or A-East to enter the secure area of the airport.
Redfern said, “They need to show ID and are subject to the same security check procedures as ticketed passengers and cannot bring more than one personal item through security (a purse, small bag, or briefcase. Items prohibited by the TSA for ticketed passengers also apply to Wingmate pass-holders.”
The Wingmate pass is usable for up to six hours from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., and the last security entry is at 9 p.m. It’s primarily for those accompanying or picking up travelers but can be used by individuals spending the day at the airport.
Guests can find similar day-pass programs at international airports in Orlando, New Orleans, New York City, and Seattle.
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