Here’s some more great advice I got after reading “Poor Ho, Rich Ho”. Again, look past the fact that this is a pimp talking to you about prostitution and really pay attention to the lesson.
Out of sight, out of mind and a cheap time is what an unknown lady of the night finds without headlines. Get a reputation. Be a known woman with a public persona for your circle of intrigue.
Public figures, whether local, regional, national or international, get more opportunities and have more credibility in the minds of audiences than no-name people. As shallow as this reads, people idolize people that appear on magazine covers, on television, in films and have some sort of public influence and following. Why do you think reality television is so popular?
With the right strategy, an urban or posh socialite can secure an influential following. For every path that a female entertainer embarks on, communication media exists to promote endeavors. Depending on what kind of capitalistic hustle you are up for, in one way or another you will need to get the word out about who you are, what you’re selling and why you are worth the attention.
Begin by asking yourself: “Who is my audience?”
Someone wants and identifies with what you have to offer, no matter how unique or common. Knowing your target audience means understanding specific characteristics. I can assure you that no matter what line of intrigue you are selling, you will have multiple audiences to consider. Each part of your audience serves a function that impacts other parts of the audience. Simply put, who can help position you to reach the audience you want to reach?
Specifically, your public persona needs a team of specialists to bring you to the people that will make you money. I have dancers, models, hostesses, actresses, female talent managers, female event promoters, independent escorts, female publicists and business managers on my team.
All of these women selected their respective paths based on their interest, skills and abilities to execute the necessary tasks associated with their positions. For each of them, a customized marketing plan was created to position them to make money and cultivate residual income.
So to break this down as Ballerific as possible, whatever you want to be, understand that and study it. If you want to be a professional singer, first understand who you are trying to target then market to those individuals. If you aspire to be a Baller Wife, same thing applies. You can’t be a Baller Wife when you’re packaged to attract construction workers and garbage men. Understand what your target audience likes and engage them. Every craft requires quite a bit of studying. The best in the game had to figuratively crack open a book or two. Do you think the average man thinks he has a shot with Kim Kardashian? Nope! Because that rich ho has mastered her target audience and knows how to cater to that demographic. Simple as that.
You can cop your copy of Poor Ho, Rich Ho HERE. Look for more Rich Ho advice coming soon!
Related Article: Poor Ho, Rich Ho: You Are The Product, Brand Your Packaging
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