Earlier this month during an episode of Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Features” program, Donald Trump professed that the “language” and “radical ideas” of his critics are “actually very dangerous for the country.”
Really, dude?
More “dangerous” than tweeting threats to Iran and North Korea? More “dangerous” than enforcing an immigration policy to separate families? More “dangerous” than defending white nationalists in Charlottesville? More “dangerous” than inviting Russian President, Vladimir Putin to the White House?
Trump’s reckless and unhinged behavior during the course of his presidency has drawn a great deal of stress and chaos to the nation and the world.
Contrary to his thoughts as it pertains to his critics, many psychiatrists believe the Celebrity-in-Chief represents a great “danger to public health.”
“Trump has repeatedly shown evidence of how dangerous he is because of his ability to stimulate violence,” Dr. Jim Gilligan, professor of clinical psychiatry at New York University’s school of medicine, told People magazine during a May panel titled “The Increasingly Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.”
“Our responsibility here as psychiatrists,” he said, “is to warn the public when we have reason to believe, based on our research with the most dangerous people in society, that a public figure by virtue of the actions he takes represents a danger to public health.”
So how much longer should Americans expect to deal with “PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder)”? Well, according to some, the epidemic will extend beyond Trump’s presidential term.
“Whether Trump’s term ends in impeachment or a re-election defeat, the damage he has inflicted upon the American psyche will remain with us for decades to come,” states a July 2017 Washington Monthly article. “Just as the scars of the Nixon and Reagan years have never really healed, so too will the injuries inflicted upon the populace by the 45th President.”
“Even if Trump were to leave the White House tomorrow, he wouldn’t take the hate he has whipped up over the past several years with him,” the article continues. “Trump, arguably more so than any post-Eisenhower Republican President who came before him, has erected a form of psychological Jim Crow in this country, making it virtually impossible for Americans to coexist across the barriers of identity and ideology.”
What do you think #BallerNation? How dangerous is Trump without consulting his advisors?
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