Jesus knows my heart and he knows I’m a work in progress so He should have also known that when I heard that one of the stars of Preachers of LA had a nude photo lurking around, I was going to want to see it for myself. Don’t judge me, I’ll pray about it on Sunday.
Pastor Deitrick Haddon admitted in the debut episode of “Preachers of LA” that he is not without faults. He was married, divorced then started dating a woman that he got pregnant and hadn’t married YET…all while being a man of the cloth. Hey, it happens. What SHOULDN’T have happened was him taking that cloth off and taking photos of his little pulpit. Allegedly the photos were leaked by a young lady named Simone. Simone is not Deitrick’s ex wife nor his current fiance. Who is Simone? The woman he was cheating on his wife with that lead to his first divorce. The two corresponded via email and Skype a lot and apparently shared risque photos.
Was it Pastor Deitrick’s fancy camera angles or did the Lord blessed him below the belt? You be the judge.
Although Deitrick has already admitted that his past is quite shady, let this be a lesson to those wanting to do reality television. As SOON as your face hits TV, your business WILL hit the web.
Note: Pastor D is married now
Source: Funky Dineva
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