I got this idea after spotting the above pic of Love & Hip Hop stars Yandy and Kimbella on Necole Bitchie. Both are five to six months pregnant and still working. Kudos to them. However, working in clubs? When is it time to give the club life a rest when you’re pregnant?
Now, I’m not here to judge. The one time I’ve ever been pregnant I was a ratchet 19 year old and although I never went in to the club per se, I was in the “atmosphere” somewhere around month 5. That one day in 2004 was enough for me to say “Never Again!” so I find it wild that women over halfway though their pregnancies can’t leave the club life alone for a moment.
Let’s talk about the women who just want to party shall we? At what point after finding out you are pregnant do you decide to sit the club scene out? I asked my Twitter followers and most of them came to the consensus that when you begin to show, it’s time to stay home. Some went into a little more detail and said at 3 months, it’s time to chill. I, on the other hand, know it’s never that easy. When you get pregnant the harsh reality that life goes on without you sets in. People will go out and enjoy themselves and forget that you ever existed. Things are nice and safe at your home, but unfortunately, no one ever wants to come to your home. You get lonely. You’re 4 months pregnant and a good friend’s birthday comes up or theres a really cool concert you have always wanted to see. Do you stay home or risk going out? I will say this, you can be 13 months pregnant, your body is your body, just know the risks involved. If you absolutely must go out, make sure that you have a table. Partying in general population is not an option. Clubs get crowded, people push, people fight, you need to be away from all of that! You also need to be able to sit down frequently and rest your feet. Clubs get hot so stay hydrated, and not with alcohol. Lastly, people just don’t need to know you’re pregnant. Unfortunately people will try you when they see that vulnerability growing in your mid-section. Be conscious of your surroundings. Make sure you are at upscale establishments that don’t allow smoking. To sum it all up, just stay home, it’s not worth the trouble.
I understand Yandy and Kimbella wanting to continue to make their money while pregnant but reality is, these streets are real dangerous for them. It’s not like they’re hosting upscale parties. They’re in these crowded NY clubs in the center of the hood around goons that have nothing to lose and girls who just want to fight them because they saw them on TV. You don’t see Chrissy hosting club parties pregnant. That would be stupid. As many fights as Kimbella got into on Love & Hip Hop, you don’t thing some ratchet chick would try her if she saw her in public? It’s not worth it! Yandy is supposed to be a career woman. If she’s all about her check, she couldn’t make enough money off her other ventures to where she wouldn’t have to be in another club every weekend? Kimbella, I understand that you don’t have other ventures and that’s probably why you’re in the club hosting parties, but maybe you should sit it out for a while. Your baby’s life could be in danger. Yandy needs to manage artists, make jewelry and do whatever else it is that she does, and Kimbella needs to get her checks from Juelz and be easy. You both look tired. You’re very much pregnant and these club dollars aren’t that serious. But like I said, do you.
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