Something fishy may have been going on during the election and President Obama is going to do his best to find out. President Obama’s homeland security advisor revealed Friday that POTUS has called for the full report on Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election by interfering with or hacking “political organizations.”
“We may have crossed a new threshold here,” Lisa Monaco, one of President Obama’s closest aides and the former head of the national security division of the Justice Department, told reporters Friday. “He expects to receive this report before he leaves office.”
Though it’s unclear if the contents of this report will be made public, it is said that the report will trace the cyber attacks on the DNC as well as hacked emails that were damaging to the party as well as Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Officials say Russia has long conducted cyber-spying on U.S. agencies but the 2016 presidential campaign would mark the first time they’ve attempted to actively interfere with the outcome of an election using cyber means.
President Obama leaves office next month. It will be interesting to see what is uncovered.