Despite tensions in the royal family, Prince Harry and Prince William plan to attend a memorial for their mother, the late Princess Diana, this summer.
“I can exclusively reveal that William is still committed, as is Harry, to get together on July 1 for the unveiling of the Princess Diana statue at Kensington Gardens,” the New York Post reports British royal family expert Russell Myers said on the UK morning show Lorraine on Friday.
Though the brothers have barely spoken since the drama with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the family last year, the brothers are planning to come together on July 1, what would have been Diana’s 60th birthday, for the unveiling of a Princess Diana statue. The statue will be installed at Kensington Gardens, according to The Sun.
Myers claims came one day after Prince William denied bombshell claims made by Meghan and Harry during their interview with Oprah Winfrey. William told reporters they “were very much not a racist family.”
Prince Harry said he endured racist comments after he began dating Markle and that his father, Prince Charles, stopped taking his calls. He also said he has been cut off financially by the institution. Most notably, Markle said that the royal family members had “concerns and conversations” over how dark son Archie’s skin would be.
Despite the family rift, it seems Harry will put the tension aside to make the journey from California to the UK this summer for the ceremony.
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