blogged by @_Cierra.jones
Unexpectedly, hundreds of protesters gathered on the streets of Lansing, the state capital of Michigan, in protest of Governor’s Whitmer strict stay-at-home order, preventing some residents from returning to work.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan’s particular order was labeled as one of the nation’s severest stay-at-home orders by POLITICO, affecting Rather than using an advised federal agency’s list of specific precautions to take, Governor Whitmer took matters in her own hands, further tightening her citizens’ mobility outside of their homes. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The Governor is now facing a range of backlash as citizens, and members of the opposing party criticized the order for being too strict. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Michigan House speaker, Lee Chatfield, took to twitter to share his stance on the matter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“Let’s be safe and reasonable. Right now, we’re not,” he said, as he validated his statement by comparing what’s considered non-essential to essential in Michigan.
“Non-essential in Michigan: Lawn care, construction, fishing if boating with a motor, realtors, buying seeds, home improvement equipment, and gardening supplies. Essential in Michigan: Marijuana, lottery, and alcohol,” he added.
The protest was initially planned as a “Not on foot- STAY in your VEHICLES” rally by Michigan Conservative Coalition and the Michigan Freedom Fund. Labeled as “Operation Gridlock,” the purpose of the protest was for attendees to take a stance against Lansing, but in a manner that would not jeopardize anyone’s health.⠀⠀⠀
According to NBC News, instead, demonstrators ignored organizers’ requests by gathering on the streets of Lansing, with some even holding campaign flags for President Donald Trump.
Reports state that several chants erupted during the protest, including “Open up Michigan,” “Recall Whitmer,” and “Lock her up” in reference to Governor Whitmer.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For her reasoning behind the strict order, Whitmer had this to say on NBC’S “Today” show: ”Michigan has the third most COVID-19 cases in the nation right now, and we’re not the third-largest state in the nation.” Whitmer stated. “That tells you we’ve got a unique crisis on our hands, and it demands a unique solution.”
“Unless it’s a life-sustaining activity, we’re asking people to stay home, to do their part and for a couple more weeks to buckle down. We’re seeing our curve start to flatten, but we all have to continue doing our part,” she said.
Whitmer then pleaded with Michigan citizens to spare a few more weeks of staying at home, unless deemed essential.⠀⠀⠀
”We’re seeing our curve start to flatten, but we all have to continue doing our part,” she added, before suggesting protestors may have prolonged the quarantine. “The sad irony here is that … they don’t like being in this stay-at-home order and they may have just created the need to lengthen it, which is something we’re trying to avoid at all costs,” Whitmer insisted, according to the NY Post.
But, even after providing her reasons behind the severe order, politicians and citizens are still scrutinizing the Governor for her hasty decision.

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