Many ballers never hear the word “no” for anything. So when they meet a woman who could care less about his baller lifestyle, that rejection can leave him a little salty. Not only are men in powerful positions used to getting what they want, they also feel that everything has a price and are willing to offer money in exchange for a band-aid to fix their ego.
Other “not so baller” guys take rejection to a whole new level. While the man who has everything at his disposal may hear no and get a reality check, he doesn’t lose his cool in a disrespectful way. Now your Average Joe? Well, lets just say that they handle the curve slightly different.
Sure you have the guys who were raised well, who know they are amazing and understand they may not be every woman’s cup of tea. They look at it as “her loss, not mine”. But then there is the disrespectful “F* you B*, nobody wanted your ugly ass anyway” type. While that reaction is less common, there are plenty of angry men who don’t handle rejection very well. You can easily identify them because most of them hate the term “baller” and think women who stress the importance of financial security are gold diggers.
While these examples stem from the reaction of the man, there is also the woman’s delivery of the curve. Most women are respectful, informing the man that she has a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or just uninterested. But what about the REAL gold diggers who look for a come up vs. that financial security in a relationship. The ones who yell, “don’t nobody want your broke ass” loudly so the entire room can hear. Her first assumption may be that because he isn’t flashy, he doesn’t have money, so she immediately isn’t interested. Her delivery is off, her personality sucks, and 9/10 times, her wallet is empty too.
So guys, how do you handle the curve? Or do you usually give the curve? And ladies, how is your delivery?
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