Although Robert Griffin III of the Washington Redskins recently tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend, it looks like he may not have been entirely faithful. Text messages posted by a VCU student (Meredith) show that not only has RGIII been messing around on his fiancé, he was texting the side piece on his wedding day! What makes the story even worse is that the girl tried to take the story back by saying it was all lies, yet leaked more photos in the process. Oh girl..
Via Busted Coverage
We received a message Friday via the BC hotline from Brandon K. that just happened to notice something fishy going on the day of RGIII’s July 6 wedding.
“So I was looking through RGIII’s twitter feed the night of his wedding. I followed his RTs to a groomsman of his, William Mallow. Going through his twitter feed I found a girl he RT that said she missed him. She looked hot so I looked at her feed. (@Mere__) THat night one of her friends tweeted “RGIII getting married today. Will @Mere__ crash the wedding?” She responds immediately with “I could show Becky this though” and its a picture of her text messages with a guy name RgIII in her phone. The text show a black guy lifting up his shirt showing a six pack and trying to get her to respond. This is 1am July 6th (day of wedding) and then finally gives up after no response from her.”
And Brandon saved the text screen cap
A little investigating of the Twitter trail from these two tells us that they didn’t just become friends. @Williermo77 was one of RG3′s groomsmen.
So here’s the part where Meredith tried to ask the site Busted Coverage to remove the post. Check out how weird the exchange of emails gets.
RG3′s buddy William Mallow, who was in his wedding, sends word that Ms. Barber is full of shit and is just looking to get paid.
“Look I’m going to cut through the BS and just get down to it. We both know that Meredith is looking for attention/money. I know this is what you do for a living and you thought that this would be a golden opportunity but the fact of the matter is that this is completely false. I was with Robert the night in question, and there was zero texting of other girls, much less selfie stomach shots. That isn’t even close to what the bathroom of the suite we were in looked like.
It’s completely unfair to crucify a guy who is a role model to hundreds of thousands of people because all he’s done from day 1 is the right thing. The guy didn’t take a SIP of alcohol during the entire time of the bachelor party in Vegas the weekend before. He’s completely committed and in love with his wife, and would never jeopardize that.
If you want any further information or proof, please let me know. I also have screenshots of Meredith yesterday admitting to me via texts that this was all a joke and that someone grabbed her phone.”
Ironically, Ms. Barber and Mr. Mallow (was in RG3′s wedding) joked about Ms. Barber-fellatio-RG3 back in November. Clearly neither one of these idiots is doing RG3 any favors!
And then there are also these screenshots that Meredith posted on Instagram…
Okay, these groupies are getting sadder and sadder. First of all, Meredith should have took that little $500 and ran with it because no one is about to pay her to break up RG3’s marriage. GIrl bye! Second of all, she already gave up the tea for free, she shouldn’t be looking for a pay day anyway. What I can’t stand is these girls who send in FREE TEA or post it on Twitter/Instagram, then when people start going in on THEM and the plan doesn’t go as they thought it would, they are begging for you to take the post down. Let me tell you right now, don’t put ANYTHING on the internet that you don’t intend on leaving there. Once it hits the net there is no “yanking it back off”. It doesn’t work that way. I don’t know what fantasy world you live in. With one key stroke that little instagram you put up is now available on Google for eternity. You can delete it all you want, it isn’t going anywhere. This is why it amazes me that she would act like the texts were lies and her phone was stolen, but still divulge information later on. Clearly a bad case of “Dumb Blonde”.
Lastly, Mr. Griffin, if you’re going to cheat on your girl, be careful who you tell your dirt too. Clearly your best friend/ groomsman has lips just as loose as your side piece. Neither one of them can seem to keep their mouths closed. Shout out to Busted Coverage for getting to the bottom of all this!
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