Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots, has officially been slapped with first-degree misdemeanor charges of solicitation, as part of a six-month investigation into a Florida prostitution and sex-trafficking ring.
According to Florida officials, Kraft was one of 25 people who was charged by Jupiter Police and caught on camera in the alleged incident. In fact, in a news conference on Monday, State Attorney Dave Aronberg said the charge carries a potential prison sentence of up to one year behind bars, with a “mandatory 100 hours of community service, a mandatory $5,000 fine, and a mandatory class on the dangers of prostitution and human trafficking.”
Elsewhere in Aronberg’s address, he also detailed the six-month investigation, which was intended to stop human trafficking. While he maintained that none of the alleged “johns” were targeted, as most of them come from “all walks of life- there’s rich [and] poor, there’s young and old,” businesses in Jupiter, Martin County, and Indian River County were targeted in the sting.
In Kraft’s case, officials say the owner visited the Florida spa on the morning of the AFC Championship Game before heading to Kansas City for the game. According to documents released by the Palm Beach State Attorney’s Office, Kraft arrived, via chauffeur, in a 2015 blue Bentley at 11 a.m. on January 20. He was then recorded receiving “oral and manual” sex from a woman at the spa before he paid with a $100 bill and another bill.
“[Employee] escorted Kraft to a room identified as JPPD Cam 2. There, the two hugged each other and Kraft took off all his clothing, laid face up on the massage table and [employee] hugged him again,” the docs said. “At approximately 1102hrs, [employee] began manipulating Kraft’s penis and testicles and then put her head down by his penis. This went on several minutes.”
“After a few minutes, [employee] wiped Kraft in the area of his genitals with a white towel, helped him get dressed and hugged him again.”
According to the docs, the visit was his second in less than 24 hours for sex acts.
In the previous visit, which reportedly occurred on the 19th, Kraft allegedly paid for a threesome- in which two women took turns “manipulating his genitals.” Once the job was done, the women cleaned Kraft up, and he paid for the service.

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