Police have launched an investigation after several California residents with Black Lives Matter signs in their yards had their tires slashed.
The string of incidents took place in Sacramento, with the most recent occurring between late Monday night or early Tuesday morning when three of Jason Dillard’s tires on his SUV were deliberately flattened. He and his family have a sign in their yard that reads “Black Lives Matter #wereinthistogether.”
“I came out, and I’m getting ready to put my tools in my car, and I go to unlock it, and I feel like I’m a little taller than my car,” said Dillard, a resident of the Elmhurst neighborhood.
Dillard says that he is confident that the damage is related to his BLM signs due to the other victims, who also coincidentally had the signs in their yards at the time of the vandalism.
At least three other neighbors with Black Lives Matter signage have had their tires deliberately slashed since the start of the year. The community has gathered on social media to share stories and document their experiences.
The Sacramento Police Department says that it is “aware of multiple vandalisms that have occurred in the Elmhurst neighborhood.” They are urging anyone to report suspicious activity in the area.