So being the neat freak that I am, I have used many remedies to make sure my “purse” is neat and clean. Just washing is NOT going to do the job. Have you ever really researched a vagina and and seen what it goes through? I will save you the details but just know there is some maintenance that needs to be done to keep it tight and right.
First is how you wash. I use to think douching was good to do, makes you feel fresh and gives you that snap back. But studies show “Douching can interfere with the vagina’s pH levels, reducing its acidity and setting the stage for bacterial infections. If your vagina has a strong or unpleasant odor, see your doctor; a douche will only cover up the smell without curing the problem that’s causing it.” Also avoid using any harsh cleaners or soap. They can also mess with your PH balance.
Have you ever hear of the phrase you are what you eat? When is comes to a vagina that phrase applies to it. Personally I make sure I take down a gallon of pineapple juice or cranberry juice a week. Both help prevent yeast infections and aids as an treatment to such diseases. But even more beneficial fruits make you smell and taste like them. The water and aids from fruit exit through you making your “purse” taste fruity.
Now I know some ladies might not like this fact but, it works and it was studied. Mastrubation, “builds a woman’s resistance to yeast infections. It also reduces premenstrual cramps and reduces crabbiness, too. Due to the additional blood flow to the pelvic region, it will reduce your backaches related to your cycle and reduce other kinds of cramps, too. (This is masturbation in the days leading up to your cycle.) Masturbation increases your threshold for pain as well (some men would like that). It’s a great stress reliever! This one really got me, it improves your self awareness and better understanding of our sexual response cycle. Helps you to understand what you need to achieve an orgasm.”
If you do these simple remedies each week, you will be pleased with your results. As well as your partner.