Back in 2017, John Singleton’s hit series, “Snowfall,” premiered on FX, focusing on the first crack epidemic in Los Angeles in the early ’80s. Starring English television and stage actor, Damson Idris, the series explores the impact the outbreak had on the city of Angeles and unpacks the government’s involvement in its expansion.
In an interview with Baller Alert, Idris, alongside his tv-mom and co-star Michael Hyatt, opened up about the series and shared their experience working with the late Singleton.
“It’s been incredibly inspiring, working with John and telling John’s stories,” Hyatt said. “What I love most is how truthfully he brought this story to light, and I think that’s what people connect with. The truth of the story, the truth of the people.”
As the interview continued, which took place at the Essence Black Women in Hollywood event, the actors touched on the atmosphere at the event, highlighting the overwhelming black excellence that filled the room.
“I was raised by a fantastic black woman, raised six kids, took us out of the slums of London,” Idris said, adding, “I’m where I am today because of her, so I feel privileged to be in the essence of that queen every day.”
“Together, we can strive to greatness,” Idris said. “Greatness is what we already are, but together we’re even greater.”
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