Steven Seagal is another major celebrity added to the list of men with multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against him. Monday two women voiced their claims of assault from the macho star, and in a press conference pleaded their peace once and for all. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Regina Simons was an 18-year-old actress playing the role of an extra in Segeal’s film “Deadly Ground”. In 1993, Simons says that Seagal invited her to his house for what was supposed to be a wrap party for the film. When she arrived there was no one there but Seagal and he told her that everyone had just gone home as he led her to a bedroom. The rest of her testimony was pretty brutal
“He closed the door and approached me from behind. He started kissing my neck and taking off my clothes… I was in shock. I was completely caught off guard. Seagal was more than twice my size and twice my age. I was not sexually active nor had I ever been naked in front of a man before. I froze. There was nothing consensual about this… I couldn’t move and I felt as if I was watching my body from above. I felt tears coming down my face.”
The other accuser was a woman named Faviola Dadis. She was auditioning for a role on one of Seagal’s films and he invited her for a “private audition” where she claims Seagal sexually assaulted her but she left before he could actually engage in intercourse with her.
She made a statement on Monday at the press conference as well…
“I’ve seen psychologists and psychiatrists to discuss this because it is something that never goes away… Until you experience sexual assault yourself, it is hard to explain why it might take such a long time to go public with these very disturbing experiences,” Dadis said. “I’m not driven by a desire to make money or have fame or receive anything in return for reporting this now. This is about accountability and I hope that this may help other women to have the courage to come forward also.”
Seagal claimed that he was being set up and the women accusing him were being paid to lie. Yet there are a plethora of women accusing Seagal of the same things.
Radley Balko, a journalist for The Washington Post, wrote a column last October where she pointed out more of the similarities in accusations:
‘In fact, Seagal has been accused of similar behavior by too many women to count. He was sued for sexual harassment by another of his assistants in 2001. Multiple women have also accused him of inappropriately asking for or offering sexual massages (sound familiar?), including Blair Robinson, granddaughter of Ray Charles. Robinson was hired as Seagal’s assistant, then quit after her first day when she said it became clear that sexual favors would be part of the job. Another woman accused him of putting his hand down her pants, then refusing to remove it until she screamed. During the filming of Segeal’s movie “Out for Justice,” four female staffers quit after alleging sexual harassment, including one “sexual attack.”’
The #MeToo movement is allowing so many women to voice their stories that have probably held them back so far. According to the Washington Post, Lisa Bloom, who is representing Simons and Dadis, say that 2 other women have come forward to voice their allegations as well.