There are some things that shouldn’t have to be said because it’s common sense. But with the news we have been seeing lately, common sense isn’t so common.
How many times have we turned on the television or logged on to social media to see that another child has lost their life at the hands of their parent’s significant other?
As a parent, you can’t be so trusting with everyone that crosses your path. No one is going to love and be there for your children like you, so protect them at all costs.
Pay attention to any red flags that you may notice. Have they excluded your kids from participating in family activities? Do they show absolutely no interest in your child being around? The signs are always there but it’s up to you to pay attention to them.
Don’t get so caught up with wanting to be in a relationship and forget that your child should come first. Also, stop bringing everyone around your child. Treat them how you treat your parents. The same way you don’t want everyone meeting your parents, it should be the same for your kids.
Ask questions when dating. See if they want children or how they feel about you having them already. If they tell you they don’t want kids, don’t force them to change their mind.
You are not just a parent but you are EVERYTHING to them. If you won’t protect them, then who will?