In a recent interview with Bleu Bombshell Magazine, Tammy Rivera divulged on her relationship and marriage to Waka Flocka. If you recall, the two had a very public break up after Waka was caught cheating. Since then, the reality star has been under fire for taking him back. While, some believe it is easier said than done to leave the love of your life, others stood by the mantra “once a cheater, always a cheater,” in regards to Tammy’s decision. However, amid the constant criticism, she has continued to stick by and defend her man.
“He’s a great man, and I think in today’s society everything is so disposable,” Rivera said in the interview. “Times are not the same, women nowadays you know they say oh let me just do this, I can go out and find me another man, niggas ain’t nothing. You know, all of that, and I get it. But then on the other side you have men who aren’t growing up with fathers, not making excuses for men to cheat, but you have men who never seen what a household is supposed to look like – my husband was never in a married household. He didn’t know.”
Rivera continued, revealing a few things she learned from her mother about relationships.
“So, my mom always told me– you can find a man who can financially take care of you, you can find a man who might not be a cheater, might have it all together, might of grew up with a father in their household, but it’s hard to find real love and a person who genuinely loves you and who is willing to change, my husband was willing to change for his family,” she said. “So why would I give up on my husband. I’m not that type, I think that’s weak of a woman to do that. It’s easier to walk away as opposed to than to speaking up! No we’re going to fight for this we got married. My family is worth fighting for.”
In my opinion, I see nothing wrong with fighting for your family. Tammy and Waka are married, they vowed to spend the rest of their lives with one another. If she chooses to forgive her husband for the mistakes he made, then what is the issue? To each’s own.
Married women, would you take back your husband after he cheated?
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