A former high school student traded in his graduation gown for a jail jumpsuit after quoting Hitler in his school’s yearbook.
Hollister Tryon was banned from attending his graduation at Glastonbury High School in Connecticut once it was discovered that he purposely altered the school’s yearbook to include a quote from the Nazi dictator. He still received his diploma despite not being able to walk with his class.
“It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail to realize what is really happening to them,” is the Hitler quote that Tryon falsely attributed to George Floyd in the yearbook’s quote section. The 18-year-old also inserted another line referencing Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who murdered three people and wounded 260 others at the April 2013 Boston Marathon. The quotes were discovered in May by school officials when yearbook distribution began. Administrators stated that they regretted not catching the “act of bigotry and vandalism before the yearbook was printed.”
On Friday, Tryon was hit with two felony counts of third-degree computer crime. He was held on a $5,000 bond but was released after posting $500 in cash. If convicted, the teen faces up to ten years in prison. He is scheduled to reappear before a judge in Manchester Superior Court on August 6th.
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