Telegram has updated its privacy policy, announcing that it may now share users’ phone numbers and IP addresses with authorities under specific circumstances. The move comes after the recent arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was detained by French authorities last month over allegations that the platform enabled illegal activity.
According to the new policy, Telegram will cooperate with law enforcement if they receive a valid judicial order proving that a user is suspected of engaging in criminal activities that violate Telegram’s Terms of Service. In such cases, the company will conduct a legal review and may disclose the user’s data.
Durov addressed the policy change in a post on his Telegram channel, explaining that the decision was made to prevent the app from being exploited for illegal purposes. He highlighted that Telegram’s search function, which allows users to find public channels and bots, has been misused by some individuals to sell illegal goods.
“We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests,” Durov stated. He emphasized that the platform is committed to maintaining its integrity for its nearly one billion users and won’t tolerate misuse.
This policy update is the latest in a series of changes for the popular messaging app as it seeks to balance user privacy with compliance with legal requirements. Telegram has long positioned itself as a privacy-focused alternative to other messaging apps, but this move signals a shift towards greater cooperation with authorities to curb illegal activity on the platform.
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