In a heartwarming tale coming out of winter storm-ravaged Texas, a delivery driver was taken in by complete strangers when her car became stuck in their driveway. She remained with them for five days when the bad weather finally passed.
Houston resident Chelsea Timmons, 32, was three hours away from home delivering groceries when her car began sliding down Doug Condon and Nina Richardson’s driveway, CNN reports. She closed her eyes and hoped for the best, eventually coming to rest in their flower bed.
The homeowners came out to check on Timmons and offered for her to come inside to wait for a tow truck after a failed attempt to help get Timmons Toyota Rav4 unstuck. Hours later, the tow truck notified Timmons that they would not make it due to the storm.
“I’m just extremely fortunate that this is where my car crashed,” Timmons told CNN. “It was in their flower bed. It wasn’t in a ditch. It wasn’t on the side of the road … I was stuck someplace safe and warm.”
At first, Timmons felt awkward being in a stranger’s home, but it was a no-brainer that she stay with them for Condon and Richardson.
“As soon as we found out that AAA couldn’t come and the conditions were getting worse, it seemed silly to even imagine that she would go to a hotel,” Richardson said. “It didn’t even occur to us.”
After their week together, they’ve become like family. They prepared meals together, and Timmons baked the couple a cake to show her gratitude. But, on Friday, the weather improved, and Timmons was able to make it home safely, but she and the couple plan on staying in touch.
“I’m just so grateful for them and so glad that this is where I ended up out of all the driveways in the world,” she said.