There really isn’t anything that money can’t buy. From designer clothing and handbags to yachts and private jets. The allure of owning a high priced item or two becomes goals for hardworking people and mere trinkets for those with a secured bag. If you’re willing to pay, you can have the finest in just about everything including your food and no, we aren’t talking about a fancy restaurant that serves seven-course meals.
How much are you willing to pay for chicken wings? If you’re anything like me, you’d settle for a $0.25 per wing special, or a $5 box at Popeyes. But, did you know that you can snag a 50 piece bucket of wings for $1,000? Yep, you read that right, 1,000 whole dollars. Why you ask? Because they’re covered in gold, 24-karat gold to be exact.
If you think this is something only a Kardashian could think of, you’re not entirely wrong. Jonathan Cheban, notably Kim’s BFF, collaborated with The Ainsley, an NYC based high-end sports bar to come up with the luxurious dish. Made with a coconut butter honey chipotle sauce and sprinkled with gold dust, these wings are known to be a tasty treat.

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