The anger at #ColinKaepernick seems to be misplaced. Instead of #America rallying to correct the issues that caused Kaepernick to peacefully protest, they have decided to declare him un-American and demand that he leaves “their” country. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Kaep was born here. He has a RIGHT to be here. I’ve personally had to reconfigure a few minds that decided it was a good idea to challenge me in my support of Kaepernick. Before you can say you disagree with Kaep, you have to first understand his point of view. That would entail you listening to the entire transcript of his interview. Kaep isn’t just upset with the mistreatment of people of color, he is also disgusted with the fact that the two candidates running for office have what many may deem as questionable character. Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal is still an issue for many and Donald Trump has repeatedly made inflammatory statements that makes him nothing short of a misogynistic racist.
That part of the interview seemed to go over the head of many because the sound bite used was Kaep reference to police brutality. However, since we are here, let’s evaluate what is really infuriating you. You cannot be mad that Kaep sat down during the anthem. Kaep has a RIGHT to do that. That is guaranteed under the 1st Amendment (the amendment that gives us the right to peacefully protest) of the constitution. To be mad at Kaep is to be mad at #DylannRoof who burned the flag. Somehow a million dollars was rumored to be raised on his behalf after he committed a #hatecrime. That leaves me to conclude that a) you really do not care about the American flag and individuals respecting it because there is no way money of any sort could be raised for a person who disrespected the flag in such a manner… unless you b) believe it’s okay for black parishioners to have their civil rights violated in conjunction to being murdered. Then that would totally shred your argument on freedoms that you say individuals have fought to keep.
The original 13- star American flag was created in 1777 by Francis Hopkinson. At that time blacks were considered property. Blacks were not given any human quality until 1787; but even that compromise was dismal. Slaves were considered 3/5 a person. Let’s take it a step further. The national anthem was created in 1814. At the that time, you guessed it, blacks were still slaves. The song ( literally references) the deaths of slaves and hirelings- individuals that do menial work. Part of the third verse (yes, there is more than one verse) states
“ Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave”…
Some have argued that people died fighting for the freedoms of blacks. To them I ask, HOW SWAY? If you are referring to the Civil War, lets really understand that freedom was granted to slaves as a mean to crumble the South’s economic power. The South could amass wealth because labor was free (slavery). The Civil War wasn’t because Abe Lincoln thought blacks were human and equal. It was because of economic power. He who has the money has the power. After the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks were given freedom, but it was restrictive. I can skip you a few decades to the Separate, but Equal battle which legally made it acceptable for segregation in America. All of that was protected under good ole American Flag. In 1960, the current American flag was adopted. I wonder why 1960 should matter? Just four years later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Blacks were still being unfairly treated. Throughout history blacks have been lynched for simply being black. All of that was protected under the American Flag and National Anthem.
My grandfather fought in a war under a flag that did not include him; for freedoms that he could not exercise. He returned home only to be called “boy” and told that he had to enter establishments from the back. Many veterans that returned had to fight for benefits that white veterans were given. That flag still waved. People still fought for the protection of freedoms that weren’t equally applied.
Somehow, you are mad at Colin Kaepernick. How could he be so disrespectful to a flag that historically doesn’t include him? The nerve of him to exercise his constitutional right to protest because so many have had their civil rights violated. How dare he?
Nah. How dare you?
-Niko Rose
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