The classic and greatly missed animated adult series The Boondocks has been picked up by HBO Max for two seasons.
Huey, Riley, and Granddad are coming back to our screens in a two-season revival that will consist of 24 episodes. The reboot is set to launch in fall 2020 with a special that will be 50 minutes long. In addition, fans will be delighted to know that they can re-watch the entire series because all 55 episodes of the original “The Boondocks” will also be available on HBO Max. HBO Max is WarnerMedia’s upcoming streaming service, which is set to launch in spring 2020.
Like before, the new series will follow the adventures of the Robert “Grandad” Freeman and his two grandsons Riley and Huey. The family has relocated to a serene suburban community in Maryland that has been overrun by Uncle Ruckus.
Aaron McGruder, the creator of the new and original series, says the show will continue to address contemporary and political issues.
“There’s a unique opportunity to revisit the world of ‘The Boondocks’ and do it over again for today,” McGruder said in a statement. “It’s crazy how different the times we live in are now – both politically and culturally – more than a decade past the original series and two decades past the original newspaper comic. There’s a lot to say, and it should be fun.”