Be honest with yourself for ten seconds, did you feel loved when you were a kid? Did your mother hug you and tell you she loved you or did she threaten you and neglect you? Did your father tell you how proud of you he was or did he tell you why you weren’t good enough? How many of us had parents who no matter what our grades were they never congratulated us? How many of us had parents who never noticed our achievements but highlighted our faults and shortcomings? Allow me to show you how the parenting you received designed your inner most desires.
Let me begin with some background information about myself. My mothers’ mom dropped out of school in 7th grade and raised five children in Detroit. She was very uneducated and extremely abusive to my mother. She once beat my mother for spelling the word “club” when she drove passed a nightclub. She beat my mother so bad that my mother reached for the belt and she bit my mother and broke the skin to teach her to never grab the belt. My fathers’ mother had three kids with three different men and was never married. She lied to my father about who his father was to hide her promiscuity. She raised my father to drop everything at the request of a woman and that he would never be good enough to make her proud. My mother beat me so bad growing up that lying about my injuries at school became usual. She once beat me until I was unconscious because I laughed at an episode of Oprah about parents getting beat by their kids. I woke up in my own blood and an eye swollen shut from all the punches and her excuse was she couldn’t find a belt.
My father was programmed by his mother to jump through hoops to make a woman happy. So when my mother had two kids with another married man after 18 years of marriage, my dad forgave her. He began drinking heavily when she left him and took all four of his kids away. His house foreclosed when he had to pay child support for four kids and a mortgage, which made him drink even more. My mother was all about taking things from people, ironically the married man who fathered her two kids decided to take his life at her job. He shot himself in the heart in the lobby of her job. How disturbed can parents be before it affects their children? My mom took my father out of my life at seven, to pursue her selfish desires and we can agree that it backfired.
As an adult can you honestly say the parenting you received doesn’t continue to haunt you? The neglected child seeks approval and acknowledgement his parents never gave. The child whose parents were strict with rules and regulations out of love and expectation tend to rebel. Are your parents still married, if not has that affected the way you view relationships? Nobody is perfect but the parenting you receive gravely contributes to your perspective. Some of you had parents who did the best they could and you rebelled. They gave you everything you asked for and you still turned out like us unloved, unwanted constructs. Generally speaking people believe you are the sum of the nurture you received and the environment you grew in. I tend to disagree with that theory due to you people who had loving and caring parents and still fell off the deep end.
It is very difficult to break the cycle of bad parenting, but it can be done with the right amount of love.
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