November 21, 2020, is the last day to register for the $1,200 stimulus check for people who haven’t received the federal payment and don’t normally file tax returns.
According to CBS News, the IRS announced it would close down its registration site on November 21 at 3 p.m. Eastern time. The IRS has sent letters to about 9 million people who may still be eligible for a check, reminding them of the deadline to register at the agency’s website to qualify for the payment.
The IRS is trying to track down many people who missed their stimulus payments, which were authorized in March by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. That law provided up to $1,200 to eligible individuals and up to $2,400 for married couples, with an additional $500 for each dependent under 17.
Because the IRS relied on data provided in tax returns, such as direct-deposit information or home addresses where the checks could be mailed, millions of eligible adults who don’t normally file taxes may have been missed out on the initial distribution of the funds. Groups like the elderly or low-income families, or college students who aren’t claimed as dependents-that could use the money are in jeopardy of slipping through the cracks.
“The Non-Filers tool is designed for people with incomes typically below $24,400 for married couples, and $12,200 for singles, who could not be claimed as a dependent by someone else,” the IRS said on Thursday in a statement. “This includes couples and individuals who are experiencing homelessness.”
The IRS also said that federal beneficiaries, for example, people who collect Social Security benefits but already received a stimulus check, can also register at the Non-Filers site if their children should have received $500 but didn’t.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Go to IRS.Gov to see if you or someone you know still qualifies.

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