After Kevin Hart went on his Twitter rant this morning, Torrei gave a final statement of her own, clearing up the error in Kevin’s timeline. While he was saying the two have been divorced for nearly 7 years, Torrei says, ‘Not so fast!’, they’ve only been divorced for 2.
Kevin and Torrei were married for 8 years. Kevin filed for divorce in 2011. In Torrei’s post she says, “Kevin has been my biggest inspiration I’ve watched him from the beginning. He is the hardest working man I know. But in order for people to grow and prosper sometimes God will force you out of someone’s shadow.” She continues on, “The hardest thing I ever had to do was lose my family. But as I heal and grow I understand why it had to happen. Yes I was broken at a point in my life but that is only natural for someone who’s had to suffer what I had to suffer.”
Then she clarifies the couple’s divorce timeline, “Our divorce was finalized two years ago and we were only separated 8 months prior to the divorce. Despite what Kevin has said and the time frames he is trying to establish Eniko Parrish was his mistress and was one of the reasons that broke up my family. I have more proof but Kevin should just be honest for both of our healing.”
She concludes her post by saying “I want Kevin and I to be friends like he portrays we are to the media. Kevin has gained success by using his family as his number one source of material. From his stand up to his TV shows he’s used my personal life as his main story line. So at this place in my career I know he is one of the reason doors are opening up for me. And I am grateful to him for that. And we both have been blessings to each other in that area. So now that the doors are opened the work ethic that I have always had is no longer standing in his shadow pushing his career, now it’s shining so I can have my own.”
This definitely changes things a lot. Kevin is saying they haven’t been together for 7 years and that he was with Eniko for 5, and if you read it like that, it really makes Torrei seem like she has problems letting go. But with a swift google search you will see that the two filed for divorce in 2011 and if he was with Eniko 5 years ago, Torrei may absolutely be right in saying he was cheating on her. Two or three years of separation from two kids and a near decade marriage is definitely going to be a tough pill to swallow. I think they both need healing.
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