While some of the U.S. has rejoiced in the legalization of #marijuana in many parts, there are others who are out to do (or say) anything to keep it away from citizens.
The Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee, a secret committee of federal agencies from across the government, has the sole mission to combat public support for marijuana and impose state legalization measures in a negative light and portray the drug as a national threat, according to #Buzzfeed.
The committee sited in a memo that the narrative around marijuana is unfairly biased in favor of the drug. So the committee asked officials to only portray marijuana in a negative light, regardless of what data shows. “The prevailing marijuana narrative in the U.S. is partial, one-sided, and inaccurate,” says a summary of a July 27 meeting of #TheWhiteHouse and nine departments. In a follow-up memo, White House officials told department officials, “Departments should provide … the most significant data demonstrating negative trends, with a statement describing the implications of such trends.”
Although #DonaldTrump has never stated he was onboard with the agenda and he even announced in June that he “really” supports new bipartisan legislation in Congress that would let state marijuana legalization thrive, the committee is taking whatever measures possible to scrutinize the effects of marijuana use.