According to Reuters, Twitter has permanently suspended the account of an online personality for violating its copyright policy. The right-winger’s account was suspended a week after he posted a doctored video of toddlers that was then tweeted by Donald Trump.
This is Twitter’s second action taken in relation to Trump’s tweets within the past two days. On Tuesday, the social media app hid a tweet that Trump posted, in which he threatened “serious force” against protesters in Washington DC. Twitter reportedly said that the tweet violated its policy on threatening violence.
The platform also placed a “manipulated media” alert on a tweet from Trump last week, of the doctored news clip from CNN. The original video clip was a positive story of a viral video showing Black and white toddlers who were best friends. The doctored version added a misinformation banner that said, “Terrified toddler runs from racist baby.”
The altered video was first tweeted by Carpe Donktum, a Twitter account that is known to support Trump. As a result, Twitter reportedly announced early Wednesday that it had suspended Donktum’s account indefinitely for “repeated violations” of its policy on posting copyrighted material.
“I received a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown order this morning for that video, and a few hours later, a suspension letter,” Donktum posted on Locals, which is also a digital content platform. Twitter reportedly had not given him a way to get the suspended account back, “So I assume they intend this to be final and permanent,” he said.
Donktum’s Twitter account was also suspended last July for eight days, over a video portraying Trump as a cowboy attacking CNN journalist Jim Acosta.