Back in 2016, the story of Nathan “Nearest” Green, the ex-slave that taught Jack Daniels the craft of whiskey distilling, went viral, sparking the interest of New York Times best-selling author, Fawn Weaver.
Inspired by the story of Green’s hardwork and dedication to his old friend, Daniels, Weaver took a deeper dive into Green’s history, with hopes to preserve his legacy through a new foundation, a museum, and book on his achievements. If that weren’t enough, Weaver also purchased the former home of Dan Call, Green’s slave owner. It was there that Green taught Daniels the trade, and it would also become the very first Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg, TN, where Green worked lead as the master distiller.
However, just months after Weaver’s initial efforts, the NYT bestselling author and co-founder of the Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey company worked to build a new distillery in his honor in Nashville, TN, which sparked a widespread expansion.
Now, as the story of Nearest Green continues to spread, and the brand continues to grow, Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey has tapped “The Lifestyle specialist” Kenny Burns to join the branding team.
Burns has an extensive history in the business, with his roles as brand ambassador for Grey Goose Vodka, CIROC and DeLeon Tequila, however, with experience in the nightlife, the brand believed Burns will be the perfect candidate to continue the brand’s expansion across the country.
“We’ve been curating this great team by watching the industry very closely,” a spokesperson for the brand said, “and responding to what our consumers have requested most. Kenny’s ability to introduce the brand to bars across America is unsurpassed. When you look at his track record of success in the industry, no one has been able to do what he has continued to do for two decades.”
“We are excited to have Kenny join us as a partner in continuing to build the next great American brand,” the vice president of sales and marketing said of the new partnership.
Congratulations to Kenny Burns!