Yesterday rumors started flying that 48 year old singer, R. Kelly, and his crew were jumped at a Gulfport, MS area nightclub over the weekend.
The incident reportedly took place at Club Illusions II. Officers reported to a disturbance call around 3:46am Sunday morning. According to a series of tweets from the club promoter, this all could have been avoided if R. Kelly had just performed the duties he was paid for. “We paid R. Kelly $50,000 to perform,” the promoter tweeted, “he did not perform and he got jumped on for doing so.”
Officers on the scene were able to determine that a fight did take place and that it was over a “civil dispute” however they believe it involved both the club and R. Kelly’s management, not the Pied Piper himself. George Bush, owner of Club Illusions II refutes rumors that R. Kelly had been involved. “R. Kelly never got touched,” says Bush, “nobody jumped on R. Kelly.” He does however admit that not only did R. Kelly not perform as he was paid to, but he showed up to the venue hours late. He also says that everything R. Kelly asked for in his rider was supplied including 3 suites and 10 rooms at a casino and various bottles of alcohol. All that was missing was his Amaretto Ciroc.
Bush said that the entire fight began when R. Kelly attempted to leave the club and his security pushed one of the club’s security while walking down the steps.
According to other sources, however, there may be video footage surfacing soon that will show R. Kelly getting jumped as well. Until then, we’ll go with whatever Bush’s account is.
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