We all know and love the dramedy series “The Game,” which is now back on Paramount+. The original show followed the lives of pro football players and their significant others as they navigated life in the limelight. The entire cast featured drama-filled, funny characters, but Wendy Raquel Robinson’s character “Tasha Mack” is a standout when it comes to comedic relief.
Robinson joined Baller Alert at the Revolt Summit for an exclusive interview where she talked about protecting her energy. “I’m a giver. I give so much energy out that I have to protect the energy coming in. So I do my affirmations.” When she gets in the car, Robinson plays Power by Beyonce and another song called “Yes Coins.”
People love to be around Robinson because of her infectious personality but what happens when the hype woman needs a refill? “Sometimes people want to take but they don’t want to give. So you have to remember to give to yourself,” she said. The Youtube video “I Am” is something Robinson listens to daily to remind her of who she is. “It gets me through,” she said.
“I am enough” and “everything will always work out for me” are two mantras Robinson said she repeats to herself often. “When I’m going through stuff I have to tell myself those things and it always works out,” she said. Robinson mentioned how coming out of quarantine earlier this year wasn’t easy. “Working long hours while managing life and family can be a lot, but everything always works out.”
The actress also told Baller Alert the highlights of being a part of “The Game” reboot. She said working with the new character and seeing the new writing is so exciting. “It’s grounded. It’s a different type of comedy — it’s familiar and fresh,” said Robinson.
Tasha Mack has returned, but Robinson says she’s a little different this time. “I’m still Tasha, but now my character is a mother of an eight-year-old daughter,” she said. Robinson said what’s different this time around is the show touching on issues people don’t talk about, like “ageism, racism, sexism, mental illness, etc.”
The series reboot starring Robinson and Hosea Chanchez premiered on Paramount+ on November 11.
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