When I think of friendships between men I think of a brother hood. A bunch of frat brothers sitting around and talking sports. I think about barbershops, basketball games and other overly masculine and macho things that guys do. But what do we think about seemingly straight men who have all female friends?
My first thought is to assume that he isn’t quite as straight as he’d like people to believe he was. You are friends with people who share similar thoughts as you, people you identify more with. So if you identify more with women’s fashion and lifestyle, It’s safe to assume that this is the primary reason you enjoy the company of a woman. Not to say that he is gay, but he is definitely a lot more feminine than the average sports talking, macho man. Would I come to this man if I needed protection? Probably not. I would go to him if I needed a buddy to go shopping with me, however. He definitely serves a purpose.
Another reason it’s safe to assume a man would have nothing but female friends is that he loves the drama and gossip that comes with having all female friends. Let’s face it, there are many times that me as a female myself, would like to disassociate myself with the female gender due to the massive amount of drama some women tend to bring. Oddly enough there are people who enjoy the drama and seem to always welcome it. They migrate towards the women who are always involved in the gossip and somehow inject themselves into it. Other men take notice of this and avoid the “male gossiper” due to the fact that they don’t want to be associated with the drama. They hear enough of the gossip from their girlfriends at home.
Lastly, theres a small percentage of men I feel have all female friends because they are players! Their suave persona attracts a lot of women so women can’t help but to spend time with them. She uses him as a stand-in when her boyfriend isn’t acting right and he plays the “BFF” role until eventually someone catches feelings and the friendship goes horribly wrong. It’s a small percentage but it happens.
Ladies, what do you think of a man who has all female friends? Could you see yourself dating a man like that?
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