When you are a successful man on the scene, it is hard not to attract a woman who is wearing a hard hat and carrying a shovel. Today, gold digging is at a hall time high. After all, the economy is in shambles. As of March 2011, the unemployment rate was at 8.8% and gas prices are hovering somewhere above $4 a gallon. The brightest have adjusted their spending habits, the risk takers try their luck with the powerball lottery, and gold diggers have set their sights on you, the successful man. Nonetheless, you would like to date someone who wants you for you and not for what you have. Here are a few things you need to do to accomplish your goal.
Spot The Gold Digger
In most cases, there is no pinpoint way to spot a gold digger based on looks. The best of them can camouflage themselves in any environment. However, you can spot them through observing their behavior. A common behavior for a gold digger is that she talks money. We’re not talking about interest rates, 401ks and the Dow Jones. She’ll boast about the latest pair of Louboutins she’s wearing or how she’s stuffed from eating at Prime 112. She’ll carry a $5000 purse with no money to put in it. She’ll claim to only drink champagne. Most of all, her dating track record will shed light on what she is looking for. Human beings are creatures of habits, and if she is known for spending other people’s money, she’ll date you if she can spend yours too.
Note: You do want to be cautious and observe carefully. Some women make really good money and can afford these things on their own. Just keep your eyes open.
Change Your Dating Strategy
Men love to impress women. A successful man’s first instinct will be to take a woman out on an expensive date. He’ll take her to the over-the-top, hard-to-get-into, steak house where they will order steaks made with Kobe beef, lobster and wash it down with a bottle of Opus One. Think about this, “Where do you go from here?” There’s nothing wrong with living by the “It ain’t trickin’ if you got it” mantra, but you want something more out of a possible relationship. You want her to fall in love with you. What you want to do is take her out on dates that allow her to get to know you and not your money. Think about places where you can talk such as a park, the beach, coffee shops, bookstores etc. If you’ve been on 4-5 of these types of dates, it’s safe to say that she genuinely likes to spend time with you and is becoming emotionally invested. Once a woman is emotionally invested in you, everything else, such as your status & financial situation is simply a bonus. A gold digger is only going to be around you if she can get something out of the situation. The only investment she is looking for is a financial one.
Don’t Brag
When meeting or spending time with new people, human beings like to talk about themselves. We talk about what we do, what we like, where we’ve been, what we saw etc. If you’re trying to avoid a gold digger, you have to watch what you talk about. Attempt to create a genuine bond with the woman you’re dating by listening more and talking less. When you do talk, avoid focusing on the luxuries that you enjoy. You can mention that vacation in Paris but don’t brag about watching the sunset from your balcony at the Le Meridien Etoile hotel. Also, bragging doesn’t necessarily involve talking. Dress nice but avoid wearing an article of clothing that may have a clearly visible logo or emblem. You can wear a luxury brand watch but you might want to leave it at home if it’s adorned with diamonds. If you live in a lavish home or condo, don’t be so quick to get her back to your place until you’re confident that she’s about you and not the “Benjamins”. Gold diggers are like fireflies and are attracted to things that shine. Take the attention away from the things you possess, and they won’t even notice you.
Written by @TheIlluminADY
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